What are the Health Dangers of Mold?

In caves, forests and other environments, mold and fungus breaks down dead plant and animal matter and enriches the surrounding soil, but it can cause major health trouble if it spreads in your house. Fortunately, most types of mold are typically easy to ignore, but a tiny splotch can spread throughout your home. Mold procreates using spores that are released into the air and causes illness if inhaled by those with mold allergies or asthma. According to a few studies, there is a correlation between an early exposure to mold and the development of asthma in some younger children. Household mold or mildew is nontoxic for most folks, but can affect those with lung problems. Typically, the density of the mold and degree of someone's allergies will effect their response. If you have a mold allergy, you'll probably have cold-like symptoms like sneezing or a runny nose when mold is nearby. More serious allergies can cause harsh reactions like shortness of breath. Anyone with asthma should be particularly cautious near high concentrations of mold as it can cause asthma attacks. Additional sensitive groups at risk include:
  • Babies and kids
  • Seniors
  • Those with a weak immune system
  • Those with serious pulmonary disease

Where Can you Find Mold?

Mildew and mold will grow bigger over time in damp places. Your house can get a mold infestation through doors left ajar, open windows, vents and heating and air conditioning systems. Mold doesn't only invade your house through open windows and doors-- it can also fasten onto your clothes, purses, animals and shoes and be brought indoors. Mold growth doesn't only affect your family's health-- it can affect your possessions and the building itself. Mold typically grows in moist places, but it can be found in unexpected places. These include:
  • Paper products
  • Ceiling tiles
  • Cardboard
  • Wood products
  • Paints
  • Insulation
  • Drywall
  • Upholstery

How to Stop Mold from Growing

There are certain precautions you can take to ensure that mold won't grow in your house. We suggest the following:
  • Create ventilation for bathrooms, laundry rooms and kitchen
  • Monitor the humidity levels in your house
  • If it floods, clean and dry your house carefully
  • Fix leaky roofs, windows or pipes as soon as possible
  • Talk to professional mold damage repair contractors for affordable mold remediation

Call Paul Davis Immediately for Mold Remediation Services

Are you concerned that there's a mold infestation in your house that's too much for you to take care of alone? Contact the mold removal experts at Paul Davis. Call Paul! (519)336-2000 for affordable mold remediation.